Webstore, info center, and hobby hub
Hey Everybody, Dan here. It's been a long and grueling process but we are finally on the internet... for real this time haha. We're still in the process of designing and releasing all of our kickstarter work and that's still keeping me good and busy. As mentioned elsewhere, yes I'm still working tirelessly on that. There has been a lot of inquiries, both from backers and others, about when they can get some of this stuff online. Well here is the chance. Something else that I really would like this to become is a hobby hub where I'll be posting things about... you know.. making terrain but also about painting, converting, modelling, plus other odds and ends like tech stuff, nerdy articles, book news, and maybe some gaming too but we'll see. Yes that's a lot but I kindof like writing stuff so I'm gonna go for it. If you guys happen to like it too, that also rocks. Back to the drawingboard/lasercutter, -Dan |